martes, 11 de septiembre de 2018

What Should We Eat?

What Should We Eat?

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Nobody Knows what the F*** to eat,
some will say Veggie, and some will say meat.

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From a raw keto diet, to a fruitarian dream,
many folks will buy it, 'cause they wanna be clean.

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They cut out the junk, and eat cakes of plankton,
and later debunk what they preached, turn a junction.

Image result for marine phytoplankton

Then along come the newbees, who talk like they're pro's,
each on their journey, but nobody knows.

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They come on the scene and preach their philosophy,
the novice so keen, give themselves up like property.

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So you go on a cleanse, then you go on a binge out,
then you make amends, you're so desperate to thin out.

Image result for Die Diet

You go onto youtube, and you feel overwhelmed,
'cause everyone's channel, is like a new realm.

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They say it's a super food, then they say it's a poison,
everyday is more news, of what you should be avoiding.

Kale Thyroid

You can't sort the facts, from the pile of fiction,
everything that you learn, is a FAT contradiction.

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Should we eat like Bonobos, or omnivorous dogs?
Every food that's a no go, it's another man's God.

Image result for bonobo balls

Garlic is good for you, no it is not,
and we're meant to do what we're told, like robots?

Image result for garlic brain

Eat by your blood type, A+ can be veggie,
yet despite this, years later, you've got steak in your belly.

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UK, in the winter, on a juice only diet?
Whatever you can think of, someone out there has tried it.

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We don't know our own bodies, so we follow outsiders,
from Freelee the Banana Girl to Durian Rider.

Image result for banana man

From hardcore breatharians, to the meat only diet,
to the 'long term fruitarians', who eat take outs and hide it.


We read labels, and think, when we scour the shelves,
but where are our instincts, so we can know for ourselves?

Image result for listen to your body diet

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