domingo, 14 de marzo de 2021

A Pivotal Point in History

 A Pivotal Point in History

The human race is currently in a unique predicament on earth,

which has never occurred before in human history, where those who are awake to the technocratic

 agenda have a brief window of time to unite and educate the rest of the world as to what is really 

occurring, and fight for all of our freedoms, before we are locked into a transhuman prison for eternity.

This opportunity is also unique in the sense that we are able to communicate with almost everyone in 

the world in an instance via the internet in any language. 

The flip side of this is that the technocratic controllers are  

are able to watch our every move and have algorithms that analyse and predict future behaviours   

based on past and present behaviours individually and collectively and modify their chess moves 


Not only are they able to listen and monitor our every move in real time, but they also run the very 

platforms that we communicate with and can and do censor or delete them anytime that they feel that  

our communications have become too much of a threat to their agenda (which is to control all resources  and 

life on earth). 

 But what is most valuable to them by far is our data.  In fact our data has now far superseded oil in  

value. But why is our data so valuable?  Because the collective human consciousness has access to 

divine knowledge.  

As individuals some of us may feel we are fumbling in the dark, or not, but either way, when we are 

able to look at the over all patterns of our thoughts and behaviours collectively, an advanced picture  

can be built out of this data.  

This means that every one of us is valuable. We were each born in a unique place at a unique time and  

therefore have a unique perspective on things and each unique perspective adds an extra dimension to 

the collective, enhancing the whole. When we realise how powerful we each are, we can overthrow 

these technocratic controllers, but we have to act fast. And by 'fast' this really means acting deeply in  

the moment, from our own innate intelligence.

 The predicament which the human race has been placed in is forcing each of us to grow at an 

accelerated rate. We are now being pressured to grow at the speed that AI is growing to beat it at 

it's own game.  

But what we must also remember is that the internet is only a tool to replace the ability that we 

each have inside ourselves to communicate to every human being in an instance, via the ether and 

the resonance of our hearts.   

In addition to this everything that you have ever done that has impacted negatively on another is  

known to these technocratic controllers. In many ways, they know you better than you know 

yourselves, therefore being true to yourself and others now is paramount.  

We are in presently in a physical, psychological and a spiritual battle 

and it is time to Forgive, Forget and Unite if we are to win the greatest battle 

on earth, or else forever hold our peace. 


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