martes, 21 de marzo de 2023

It is Written

It Is Written


It is time to get down to the nitty, the gritty,         

whoever you are, things are gonna get tricky.

Our future, if its steered the wrong way, it ain't pretty.
Yes, we're talking agenda 30 & '15 minute cities'.

To travel by car or by plane, that's a no-no, 

and if you wanna cross the next zone, that's a no-go.

 If our moves are restricted, we are gonna have no flow, 

would be better to bunk in the trees with Bonobo's. 

All under the guise that it's 'For our own safety'. 

Did you not learn from 'Black Mirror' and the characture 'Lacey'? 

 Don't wanna live in a world where society rates me, 

according to standards that are distorted and fake see....

It's not normal or natural to be stalked 24/7, 

our only 'watcher' should be God up in heaven, 

or a benevolent entity, I don't like where we're heading,

a dystopian future is what I am dreading. 

They call 'em 'smart cities' but the name is misleading, 

'cause they're not about happiness wellness or healing. 

The souls of ourselves and our children they're stealing, 

and if you knew the truth, you would blow off the ceiling.

I don't wanna eat insects, are you frigging crazy?! 

Nor do I wanna have GMO babies. 

Technocratic agendas so jaded and shady, 

yet so many be-lie-ve 'Someone out there will save me'.

To see where we're heading, look over at China, 

the people so programmed, they have lost all their fire. 

They are jumping off buildings to exit, expire, 

coz their lives are so plastic, robotised and plain dire.

They want us all numbered like sheep, ID digital, 

then they tell us that we're at our peak, in our pinnacle. 

We'll own nothing, be happy, with no crime, call me cynical. 

But what if the ones with this plan are all CRIMINALS??? 

Now I wanna know what is all this commotion, 

when there's more CO2 that comes out of the ocean?? 

Not to mention volcanoes, all these clowns must be joking. 

All sponsored by technocrats, whoever you're voting.

So called 'social media' to become social credit. 

Your bank account frozen if you don't tone down or edit. 

Babylon's whores getting all of their merit, 

now if you think that I'm biting my tongue, best forget it! 

Data is the new oil, oligarchs got a new toy, 

so they're throwing their toys out the pram like pre school boys.

 Selling us on the block chain if only you knew boy, 

they are breaching our rights and removing our true joy. 

Flock nano-tech and their chemtrail showers, 

zero carbon insanity, give me Tesla Towers. 

Atmospheric electricity, and cannabis flowers. 

We Have The Knowledge & We Have The Power. 

Screw Elon Musk 'Tesla' cars and his star trails.

Who is HE to PLAY GOD? I am watching his plan fail. 

I'm not taking their guilt or emotional blackmail. 

There is a divine plan and it's written in DETAIL.

Despite what I say, we've all gotta TAKE ACTION, 

Trust in God, tie your camel, that quotation is Fact hon. 

Be strong and stay focused not side tracked with distraction. 

We are co-creators, The Old World is Collapsing. 💚

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