
You go to school, there are no teachers,
you go to Church, there are no preachers.
You go to your house, there's no one home,
you realise that you're all alone.

You hear the people all around,
but no-one hears your silent sound.

You wonder if you're really there,
take off your clothes, the people stare.

OK, so they can see you naked,
but they fail to see that life is sacred.

Your body, its seems in a form, organic,
yet many on another planet.

Be sure not to look in their eyes,
'cause they ain't ready for that, be wise.

Act stupid, or else attacks are vicious,
jealous peeps can be malicious.

Pix and mix a random ego,
stupid, dumb, not wild, free-flow.

Weave right in with all your peers,
act hard, but do not show your fears.
When you walk into their ghost town,
act like you know, fake all the low down.

When in Rome, you know the lyrics,
but don't forget, there are no limits.
Discard their idle small town non-sense,
but never forget original conscience.

Find a lake, & take reflection,
deflate, your fake, ego erection.

Beware the current can take you easy,
the truth sometimes can make you queasy.

Many will get taken under,
like slaughtered sheep, their death by numbers.

To make it you must stand like steel,
rooted, though your lips are sealed.
Speak only to soul mates, insiders,
speak babble to the bonifidas.

Then when you see the Lion sleeping,
exit quick, or take more beatings.

The path is full of tribulations,
no-one stands as confirmation.
Your dreams on hold, your heart is aching,
your life spent playing games & waiting.

Religiously, you hold your centre,
really you know life's an adventure.

Although it has you in confusion,
this Matrix just a grand illusion.

Come through untouched, recall that ego,
a temporary tailored, 500 kilo weight,
was solely preservation,
inside that suit, your emanation.

Pristine and bright, untouched, so virgin,
a soul newborn, a birth emerging.

Underneath the mask is beauty,
& unconditional love, no duty.

Perception of this world much bolder,
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Know it in your heart, no question,
the ones with blindness, you've just gotta bless 'em.

Now you're naked, full of wonder,
your eyes dilated, free of slumber.
Help the others remove their clothing.
No judgement, no hatred, no loathing.
Underneath, we're all the same,
our skin & bones a mere soul-frame.

Although its hard to believe words like this,
we each are made within Gods likeness.

The Goddess knows that life is sacred,
& if you know this too, get naked.

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