When You Follow Your Heart...
Dear Sir, I must explain that this really ain't working,
all that's going on here is my heart's truly hurting.

For sure someone else could do the job nicely,
as for me, selling clothes, it's just not in my psyche.
I wanna run naked where my essence can bloom,
not stuck in the prison box that you call the 'dress room'.

Excuse me if I appear untamed and plain feisty,
I'm just letting my hair down, its been held up too tightly.

& I never in fact told you straight I could work here,
& I feel like I'm going completely berserk here.

For sure I'm aware there are various perks here,
but the compensation don't cover how much my soul's hurt here.

Now leave me alone, I do not owe you nothing,
my heart must recover from being duped into bluffing.

Fooling 'The Man' that I'm able to do it,
when I blatantly know that I'm likely to screw it.

My spirits uncondusive to any kind of restriction,
and not living my truth equates to living a fiction.

So please Sir, I beg you, do not force me to lie,
I'm just not the type to push others to buy.
To put me in sales is like a fish out of water,
then you really wonder why I'm not doing what I oughta?

But don't get me wrong, I'm really no quitter,
it's just that this ain't serving me as a cosmic transmitter.

So I must serve you notice and say adiós...
And that was my letter of “I quit” to 'The Boss'.

The problem is everyone is living in fear,
and this message shall become my new chosen career.

I'm a poet by 'trade', accept I trade wild and freely,
& I'm working for love, and that way I'm less needy.

So don't buy my 'product' unless you truly want it,
'cause I don't wanna be the one to sell you the wrong shit.

Buy it if you like it, if your soul is inspired,
if its sets your wild heart and your belly on fire.

Take a leaf home if you vibe how I'm speaking,
and you'd like to free some of your time for your keeping.

'Cause just maybe you're feeling the same I once felt,
a round peg in a square hole, on a conveyor belt.

Knowing deep down you're meant for something better,
waiting for me to spit out this darn letter.

& perhaps your true genius would be better off spent,
in a park, under a tree, meditating with hemp.

But on the contrary, this could all be blah blah,
and you're totally happy how you presently are... ha.

Congratulations for keeping the cogs smoothly turning,
whilst gracefully maintaining your wild heart burning.

You are a genius, and it's your types I admire,
although I accept I am differently wired.

I just keep contemplating the nature of our existence,
and the more that I do, the more I have 'work' resistance.

Perhaps we'll discover a way to live simple,
travel light, and work less, and carry more dimples.

Let the baggage we carry be the love in our hearts,
like a mystical marriage acted out as an art.

So rip out your heart hiding under the closet,
that got buried with thoughts of the next flat deposit.

Remember this moments woven in with forever,
& that soon we shall see we are in it together.

Far from misconceptions of being a 'crazy',
if we do what we do best, that's been in us since babies.

If everyone else did the same, we'd be laughing,
living a song and a dance, drumming, chanting.

When you claim back your soul, then you're having a ball,
& you find that you need almost nothing at all.

All of those false desires you were seeking,
you can let it all go, as your heart no more weeping.

As long as you're able to exchange lots of love,
then you're happy as Larry, presents come from above.

The dancing, the singing and the joy, it is free,
as well as your birth rite to just simply be.

So if you can't hack it, it don't mean that you're worthless,
you just need to find your lifelong and soul purpose.

For sure, we can't ignore, the down to Earth basics,
but work is no chore if we completely embrace it...

& we know that our actions will aid a rich future,
a sustainable existence, not a bloody big blooper.

There are jobs that need doing, that are not being done,
there are unrecognised geniuses who've been labelled as dumb.

People not using the gifts they were born with,
intellectually frustrated, in a world so distorted.

But now is the time to turn over the tables,
to stop all this madness, & be willing and able.

Everything is energy, but what does that mean?
It means we could be living in a utopian dream.

With a little ingenuity & insight & action,
if we take the initiative, instead of the distraction...

& leap off the treadmill, that's heading for disaster,
then our lives could be filled with such genuine laughter.

The foundations may crack, before it gets better,
as the build up of plaque, gives way to the pressure...

… of the magnetic force of hearts in full blossom,
it's a natural course, but we must first hit rock bottom.

So, if you know that your destiny's different,
weave it into the now, take it out of the distance.

Likely that your differences, will be different from mine,
but all of our innate influences combined,

Shall be the start of a new world, a new order,
and the end to this global crazy mental disorder.

So maybe your job is a paradise gardener,
or maybe you just wanna be around as a father,

or perhaps you're a physics or scientific genius,
but your potentials unopened, thinking life is so tedious.

Perhaps you're the next pioneering neurologist,
with a bag of solutions, or an endearing geologist.

Maybe you know how to make free technology,
or maybe you're a mother to the next child prodigy.

Perhaps you'll design a new educational system,
making learning more fun, full of meaning, great mission.

or maybe you're homely, & wanna be good a mother,
and a supportive, non career driven lover.

& maybe your intellect just isn't the smartest
but you just happen to be a great culinary artist.

You could be a builder, but you keep on rebelling,
'cause you'd rather be focusing on ecological dwellings.

Or perhaps you're plain tired of playing the geezer,
'cause you know you'd do better as a spiritual healer.

Whatever your path, be it mother, inventor,
it cannot be wrong if its from your heart centre.

So don't be afraid of others expectations,
your parents, your peers, or the laws of the nations...

Fear is the path towards misery, sorrow,
so follow your heart, and dreams, they will follow.
The problem is everyone is living in fear,
and this message shall become my new chosen career.

I'm a poet by 'trade', accept I trade wild and freely,
& I'm working for love, and that way I'm less needy.

So don't buy my 'product' unless you truly want it,
'cause I don't wanna be the one to sell you the wrong shit.
Buy it if you like it, if your soul is inspired,
if its sets your wild heart and your belly on fire.

Take a leaf home if you vibe how I'm speaking,
and you'd like to free some of your time for your keeping.
'Cause just maybe you're feeling the same I once felt,
a round peg in a square hole, on a conveyor belt.
Knowing deep down you're meant for something better,
waiting for me to spit out this darn letter.

& perhaps your true genius would be better off spent,
in a park, under a tree, meditating with hemp.
But on the contrary, this could all be blah blah,
and you're totally happy how you presently are... ha.

Congratulations for keeping the cogs smoothly turning,
whilst gracefully maintaining your wild heart burning.

You are a genius, and it's your types I admire,
although I accept I am differently wired.

I just keep contemplating the nature of our existence,
and the more that I do, the more I have 'work' resistance.

Perhaps we'll discover a way to live simple,
travel light, and work less, and carry more dimples.

Let the baggage we carry be the love in our hearts,
like a mystical marriage acted out as an art.

So rip out your heart hiding under the closet,
that got buried with thoughts of the next flat deposit.

Remember this moments woven in with forever,
& that soon we shall see we are in it together.
Far from misconceptions of being a 'crazy',
if we do what we do best, that's been in us since babies.

If everyone else did the same, we'd be laughing,
living a song and a dance, drumming, chanting.

When you claim back your soul, then you're having a ball,
& you find that you need almost nothing at all.

All of those false desires you were seeking,
you can let it all go, as your heart no more weeping.

As long as you're able to exchange lots of love,
then you're happy as Larry, presents come from above.

The dancing, the singing and the joy, it is free,
as well as your birth rite to just simply be.

So if you can't hack it, it don't mean that you're worthless,
you just need to find your lifelong and soul purpose.

For sure, we can't ignore, the down to Earth basics,
but work is no chore if we completely embrace it...

& we know that our actions will aid a rich future,
a sustainable existence, not a bloody big blooper.

There are jobs that need doing, that are not being done,
there are unrecognised geniuses who've been labelled as dumb.

People not using the gifts they were born with,
intellectually frustrated, in a world so distorted.
But now is the time to turn over the tables,
to stop all this madness, & be willing and able.
Everything is energy, but what does that mean?
It means we could be living in a utopian dream.

With a little ingenuity & insight & action,
if we take the initiative, instead of the distraction...

& leap off the treadmill, that's heading for disaster,
then our lives could be filled with such genuine laughter.

The foundations may crack, before it gets better,
as the build up of plaque, gives way to the pressure...

… of the magnetic force of hearts in full blossom,
it's a natural course, but we must first hit rock bottom.
So, if you know that your destiny's different,
weave it into the now, take it out of the distance.

Likely that your differences, will be different from mine,
but all of our innate influences combined,

Shall be the start of a new world, a new order,
and the end to this global crazy mental disorder.

So maybe your job is a paradise gardener,
or maybe you just wanna be around as a father,
or perhaps you're a physics or scientific genius,
but your potentials unopened, thinking life is so tedious.

Perhaps you're the next pioneering neurologist,
with a bag of solutions, or an endearing geologist.

Maybe you know how to make free technology,
or maybe you're a mother to the next child prodigy.

Perhaps you'll design a new educational system,
making learning more fun, full of meaning, great mission.
or maybe you're homely, & wanna be good a mother,
and a supportive, non career driven lover.

& maybe your intellect just isn't the smartest
but you just happen to be a great culinary artist.

You could be a builder, but you keep on rebelling,
'cause you'd rather be focusing on ecological dwellings.

Or perhaps you're plain tired of playing the geezer,
'cause you know you'd do better as a spiritual healer.
Whatever your path, be it mother, inventor,
it cannot be wrong if its from your heart centre.

So don't be afraid of others expectations,
your parents, your peers, or the laws of the nations...

Fear is the path towards misery, sorrow,
so follow your heart, and dreams, they will follow.
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