martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

The School Of Enlightenment


The school of Enlightenment, is well over-due,
loaded with insights, for me and for you.

This School's for the old, and for the young,
it's primary goal, is to teach we are one.

Various techniques, in this school will be taught,
the best food to eat, for the purest thoughts.

If you wanna be naked, that's ok too,
the body is sacred, in enlightenment school.

Do a bit of yoga, or your choice of sport,
anything to get over, those rational thought.

Logic is the enemy, we aim to avoid,
'cause it kills the energy, that we find at the void.

Art dance and drama, 'cause life is a song,
fuel on bananas, you cannot go wrong.

You will feel richer, than any gold coin,
now you get the picture, are you ready to join?

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