viernes, 26 de marzo de 2021

Notice To Those Who Are Unappreciative of the Chalking

 Notice To Those Who Are 

Unappreciative Of The Chalking

We are sorry that you do not feel a benefit from any of the messages conveyed.

You are free to simply walk on and continue with your day if you wish.

But if you could help us by giving us your valued feedback, this would be greatly appreciated.

Do you have issues with chalk in general?

Do you have issues with chalking when children draw hopscotch on the pavement?

Did you have issue when people were drawing rainbows in chalk for the NHS?

Did you have issues when Extinction Rebellion were chalking the high streets?

Would you have the same issue if the chalking was in relation to a George Soros sponsored event?

Did you also have issues with the man who chalked mandalas in town for a number of years?

Are you aware that the chalked slogans, poems, articles, anagrams and artwork are appreciated by countless locals and tourists, even if they are not to your personal taste?

Do you have any questions about the subject matter presented?

Perhaps you misunderstood the message?

Was there any particular messages that you took personal offence to?

Did some of the messages conveyed contradict you world view?

It would help if we could specifically know which message or messages you were offended by. Please answer the following.

Was it the one that said that covid 19 has not been isolated using Koch's postulates that triggered you?

The CDC have admitted to this, and no evidence could be provided for CV19 in 5 different countries in courts.

Was it the one that listed all the medical doctors that are calling out covid to be the biggest scam in history that got you?

Have you heard of the World Doctors Alliance?

Was it the one about top lawyers collaborating to take world leaders to court for crimes against humanity that got you?

The lawyer Reiner Fuellmich is an extremely successful lawyer and has already successfully taken mercedes-benz and Deuche Bank to court and received millions from them in compensation.

Was it the list of ingredients in a vaccine and the side effects that got you?

Would you like to receive an email with a list of medical doctors that are against vaccinations? This is available.

Was it the talk of the mRNA so called 'vaccination' that got you?

I can provide advertisements from the vaccination companies advertising this new 'technology'. You may also like to listen to Dr Carrie Madej on this subject.

Was it the poem about 5G and the health impact of the internet of things that disturbed you?

Do you work for the council or a telecommunications company?

Are you helping to install these proven harmful devices?

We can provide a list of books, documentaries

and scientists that would back this idea up. Such as Barrie Trower, Dr Sharon Goldberg to name but a few.

Is it the talk of eugenics and population control that you can't handle?

We can provide interviews, talks, films, military websites and family trees that can back the notion up that we are being strategically culled.

Was it the talk of food shortages and survival scenarios we might possibly find our self in?

(Look what happened in Texas)

Was it talk of questioning the government that got you?

Do you work for the government?

Are you being told what to believe or enforce

by your employees for your own financial gain?

Do you think the government never lie?

Do you know that the word government means 'mind control' in latin.

Do you know what cognitive dissonance is?

And finally, do you believe in freedom of speech 

or do you believe in a dictatorship?

Thank you for your valued feedback

Please Email responses to:

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