viernes, 8 de enero de 2021

Open Letter to Mendip Council

Open Letter to Mendip Council

Open Letter To Mendip Council

I have been informed that there have been some complaints about the chalking on the high street.

It appears that a handful of people are not appreciative of some of the messages being conveyed.

In response to this feedback I would like to discuss some of the subject matter and I would like you to explain to me how it is in anyway offensive?

So yesterday the subject of conversation was the likelihood of food shortages in the coming near future.

We know that there is a very strong likelihood for this to be the case

and even the mainstream media are now saying it.

I know that some of your council members are also very aware of the likelihood of food shortages

and are making preparations for it.

As you should know by now, the UK is presently well over 2 trillion in debt

due to the loans that we were forced to take out during previous lockdown.

The furlough scheme will soon be finished and many people will be pushed onto Universal Credit.

The economy is soon to crash.

Taxes will go through the roof and so will food prices.

Some countries have stopped exporting food.

Some farmers have been paid off to discontinue their production.

Many crops were not harvested due to the previous lockdown restrictions.

Half of China was flooded this year and many of their crops were destroyed.

In addition to this, the Town Halls, Assembly Rooms, and all of our usual meeting points are inaccessible, and therefore we presently have nowhere to congregate to discuss our very serious concerns about all of these matters.

The Human Right to assembly is a very Basic Human Right, that has been removed at a time when we need work together now More Than Ever.

We can no longer continue to bury our heads in the sand.

If people are offended by a bit of chalk on the ground

then they obviously are not seeing the Bigger Picture here.

Also please note that just because some folk are offended by a sequence of words in a certain arrangement, this just Personal Opinion and does not equate to those words being offensive.

It is also important to note that many of the Statements Made here are fully backed by numerous professionals in many specialist fields.

We all need to use our Initiative here and take response-ability, or else we will be picking up the pieces for Generations to come.

Thank you for your understanding in these matters.

Jo Public

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