sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Where Science Meets Spirit

Where Science Meets Spirit


A community of neurons,

working closely in a pact.

Damaged by impurities,

over time they start to slack. 

Epigenetic influence,

shadows over their performance,

each cycle he's more impotent,

& grudgingly without accordance,

His chemistry thrown off balance,

a neurological disease,

then taken by the currents,

from divinity to sleaze. 

Amist the shock & horror,

cellular workers go on strike,

no more bringing in the dollars,

their hearts were filled with shame & spite.

Their struggle to be the providers,

that they once were, lead to depression,

their Human rights denied,

as they plunged into regression.

They took on a false identity,

but they swore they would remember,

their heartfelt dream, their destiny,

to unite with female gender.

But generations passed them by,

whilst they stumbled in the desert,

undernourished, their hands were tied,

they could no more express the hurt.

Empty dreams and disappointment,

filled the electron deficient air,

in need of a special ointments,

but their cupboards were almost bare.

They had to be like soldiers,

to live in this harsh terrain,

their physiology getting older,

their dreams and hopes held out in vain.

Myths, and Legends and Holy Scriptures,

recorded how it used to be,

& so tight they held these pictures,

hoping one day they would be free...

...free to love how they once used to,

where their hearts would burn with fire,

where their terrain was filled with fruitfulness,

and fulfilled were their desires.

Multiple deficiencies,

arose on many levels,

& they no longer had the heart in them,

so co insided with the 'Devil'.

Selfish desires took over them,

they were hungry for so long,

that the material replaced their Goddess,

and the word became their song.

And so they built their Empires,

& slowly lost life's meaning.

Their triumph no compensation,

for their lost Romantic feelings.

Their Twin equally traumatised,

you could often hear her weeping,

the pain apparent in her eyes,

that she could not express by speaking.

Like Amphibians heating slowly,

in a pan of dirty oil,

over many generations,

they soon reached the point of boil.

But how are they to recognise,

how far they each have fallen,

after all, their just one cell,

and just one lifetime, little stolen.

Bought into the status quo,

their parameters laid out clearly,

& few legit true mystics know,

their antiquity so sincerely.

So countless figures live and die,

for the most, they're law abiding,

but always in the by and by,

is the Maverick that's overriding.

The great illicit Genius,

that remembers how to love,

who discards that which is tedious,

he 'cause knows what's up above.

He sees the bigger picture,

and the part he has to play,

and his heart is that much richer,

than what it was yesterday.

He bypasses what surrounds him,

and he taps into the source,

that which is plain astounding,

unification overrides divorce.

He knows there's something different,

& his sense beyond the eyes,

he sees into the distance,

through the now with his third eye.

What makes him so unusual,

is that he knows we're all the same,

unified by the space between us,

in this micro macro Cosmic game.

The answer is a Mystery,

it cannot be broken down.

The here and now speaks of our history,

to the ones with open crowns. 

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