sábado, 6 de junio de 2015

In The Raw

For a starter try your luck, 
with stuffed tomata garlic & nuts. 

Carrot cake, banoffi pie,
 that money simply cannot buy. 

Linseed crackers dehydrated, 
eat them with pate or eat them naked. 

Sesame halva, for desert, 
with carob powder really works. 

Have a bowl of raw tortilla, 
with guacamole, a super filla. 

Leave out the cattle 'cause holy cow, 
raw falafel tastes so wow. 

Get on your Sari 'cause here comes raw, 
vegetable thali like never before. 

Hemp milk fruit museli with everything,
 raw food is truly medicine. 

Mixed fruit salad with cashew nut cream, 
can't be bad for you & me. 

Deep green juices let them flow,
 drink for beauty, your face will glow. 

Carrot & coriander creamy soup, 
try, no lie, you'll wanna whoop.

Stuffed red pepper with mixed veg on the side,
 with fresh green lettuce & olives dried. 

Veggie sushi, rolls of nori, 
with ginger suits me, doesn't bore me. 

Pumpkin soup & pumpkin pie,
 try a scoop, no bake, no fry. 

Raw chocolate pudding with chocolate sauce,
 gotta be a good thing of course. 

Sick of dodgy stodgy grains? 
Try some food for the body & for the brain. 

Nuts & seeds & fruit & veg,
 is what we need for a clear head.

You'll be so light you can touch the sky,
 take a bite, your brain wont fry. 

Your brain will cry yes please, some more, 
I think I need to get In The Raw.

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