jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

The 100th Monkey

 I use the best tools that I know on the planet,
they are wholesome, they are raw, they are wild & organic.

My creativity turned onto the max,
I confirm my intuition with scientific facts.

The aim is for each of us to be at our highest,
I do that which works, and I have zero biased.

& what I have found is that juicing fresh hemp,
is earthly star dust, and it's heavenly sent.

 Ultrasound neurophone puts me straight in the zone,
decalcifying our pineal 'pine cone'.  
Soulful pole dancing takes my spirit high flying,
It's like meditation, gets you fit without trying.

    Yoga and juicing and dancing combined,
   honestly, truly, it'll blow open your mind.

Megahydrate for cellular hydration,
it is tools such as these we should use in each nation.

I know that within me and you is a genius,
he is fiery like Mars, she feminine like Venus.

Uncovering her at the start can be tricky,
some obstacles that get in the way are not pretty.

    But with lots of love and a deep trust combined,
    The God Conscience within us will blow our small minds.

                   So take a long walk deep into mother nature,
                     until you are talking direct with the Creator.

 And when our minds extend into the Cosmos,
we'll recall once again that there is no more love lost.

Meditative bathing in warm holy water,
takes you back to the womb, really does what it oughta.

These are the things that get me in the zone,
but there's only so far I can venture alone.

                     So what are your tools, and why are you waiting,
            when you know in your hearts we are Gods in the making.

                        Maybe you're one of the first 100 monkeys,
                   that's gonna ignite a new world cool & funky.

Each human like a cell, we are in it together,
& when we get well we shall fly like we're feathered.

Tap into this matrix and recall we're pure energy,
this game is not fixed, the 'elite' not our enemy.

Illuminati just like us, reaching out for the light,
redirection of power and we'll all be alright.

Lets clean up the seas before its all over,
think BIG, we are star dust, not a darn supernova.

           We think we're the greatest, yet we think we are useless,
               & with this kind of thinking, our harvest is fruitless.

         The sharpest tool in the box, don't be fooled,
                       sure Tesla was genius, but equally, so are you.


 Everyone is autistic as well as a savant,
& the great human family better turn up the amps.

Each one of us has a unique part of the picture,
tuning into our hearts makes humanity richer.

So chose the techniques which really best suit ya,
 & discover your gifts to aid everyone's future.

We can blossom like flowers, or we could simply lose it,
We have the power, but we must learn to use it.

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