jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016

Autistic Mystics

Autistic Mystics

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The Autistic spectrum, what is it,

and who does it really affect?
What are its strengths & its limits,
is it something that we need to correct?
What are the true causation's,
& can it be somehow prevented?
I present to you a different take on it,
from an autistic perspective.
Let us first lay out the symptoms,
the stereotypical set of traits,
then consider who are the true victims,
Everything must open to debate:
A classic sign of autism,
or so the text books say,
when engaging with a person,
instead of look, they turn away.
A sense of disconnection,
to the world, and towards others,
a tendency to reflect,
their inner world in full-blown colour.
Subjects of obsessive interest,
may be pursued like they're all the rage,
whilst subjects of non interest,
will be avoided like the plague.
They may have special qualities,
in one or more specific fields,
or born a child prodigy,
perhaps with little success or yield.
Detailed fine tuned intricacy,
may be expressed in specialist topics,
yet talking may present as a difficulty,
their words may be mute or robotic.
Problems may occur in relationships,
with family, friends or romantic,
the answers lie far from their fingertips,
the alienation may leave them quite frantic.
Routines & ritualistic repetitions,
may be sought for a feeling of safety.
A desperate cry out for familiarity,
is needed or else their world shaky.
A painfully acute sensitivity,
to smell, or to taste or to touch,
a tightly knit boxed in rigidity,
may be clung to like some kind of crutch.
They may be natural born artists,
they may be good at music or maths,
they may well know not how to harness,
these gifts into good old hard cash.
An apparent outward lack of empathy,
an inability to transmit their feelings,
a blanket expression or emptiness,
& a desperate need for deep healing.
The autistic of the savant kind,
is where one is a natural born master,
in one or two areas combined,
yet in anything else they're a disaster.
There are infinite variations,
as to how it may affect each individual,
this dis-ease taken hold for generations gone by,
& what we are left with are the residuals.
They may have O.C.D. or anxiety,
or gut problems, or issues with food.
Sorry, but this sounds like our society,
in it's entirety, I don't mean to be rude!
But when you break down all the symptoms,
with insight, then what you will see,
humanity is riddled with autism,
it's so blatant, and obvious to see.
Everyone is undoubtably autistic,
from the typist, the guy in the chippy,
to the girl in the shop to the mystic,
to the sparky right through to the Bricky.
Now tell me what is a 9-5,

if it isn't routine and repetition?

Patterns repeated, but where is the drive,

or pursuit of ones niche of life mission?
With divorces & marital breakdowns,
& teenagers turning to drugs.
Society is tied up and weighed down,
& begging for a BIG dose of love.
Little logic to the way things are ordered,
as we massacre down every tree.
Depression and nervous disorders,
social problems and yet more refugees.
Caught in the money making matrix,
& fighting for individual survival,
majority unlikely to 'make it',
as the rest worship some kind of Idol.
As if our dreams are somehow unreachable,
so far away in the distance.
Conditioned that we're not all born equal,
any change is met with full blown resistance.
Bound to the illusion of separation,
& the age old portrayal of division.
Madness & utter confusion,
& a loss of ideological vision.
We live through our phones & computers,
relationships take the back seat,
our brains swapped for internet routers,
& kisses been jacked in for 'tweets'.
Money, the root of all evil,
prevents us from spreading the love,
freely, hence conscience retrieval,
has so little place in our jobs.
Environmental destruction on mass,
dismissed pioneering technology,
going to war, going out on the lash,
is the norm, not our natural-born prodigy.
Interconnection forgotten,
one man soldiers each battle alone,
& meanwhile the next generation,
is beaten right down to the bones.
Politics & control of the borders,
as countries needlessly go war.
The Root Cause- A widespread Brain Disorder,
of this I am comfortably sure.
The damage occurs each generation,
like a slippery downward sliding slope.
Each one goes to seed before the preparation,
hence many Mums & Dads cannot cope.
Children conceived out of fear,
in attempt correct childhood wrongs,
or the fear of losing a relationship,
so we forget life could be a sweet song.
Hence babies born with more brawn than brains,
taught defense over heart or intelligence.
No time to cry out the pain,
or to ponder. Life's purpose deemed irrelevant.
When pesticides are a known neuro toxin,
so like fools we spray them over our food?!
Fact we have problems is not shocking,
as we head towards mass global fued. 
Vaccinations and environmental toxins,
are the time-bombs on top of the cake,
leaving us frightened and boxed in,
our brains, whilst our hearts slowly aches.
Our heart-brains should be working in synergy,
but they're not, they are daily at war,
& the cause to many folks is a mystery,
yet the reasons are not so obscure.
Modern cultures divorced from the Earth,
our true mother increasingly poisoned,
and hence each generation, each birth,
is struck numb from the traumatisation.
The parents, however well intended,
heart broken, their dreams are in shatters,
as their offspring takes a downward spiral,
& the lessons unlearned where it matters.
The true cause of autism is clear,
everywhere we see signs of the evidence.
The true cause of autism is fear,
over lifetimes, leaving cultures so very dense.
What we have coined as 'Autistic',
in the deepest sentiment of the word,
is more about disconnect from our mystical nature,
and so memory of who we are blurs. 
The last thread of cellular memory,
held onto like a mint full of gold.
Trudging through the damage of centuries,
to rediscover a treasure untold.
The solution is relatively simple,
yet the results only seen in slow motion,
and so it takes trust in the ripple affect,
in this expansive & mysterious ocean.
To respect the land, our Great Mother,
to treat her how we wish to be treated,
to share our affection with our kids, & lover,
and to surrender to our true self completely.
Oxytocin, induced by human touch,
is known to be neuro protective,
so if we chose love over lust,
we really can be re-perfected.
Take delight in the fruits of the forest,
to walk barefoot on the face of the Earth.
Antioxidants and flavonoids nourish,
electro magnetism all so freely dispersed.
Making the humble acknowledgment,
that we are all in it together,
therefore we must be conscious & vigilant,
if we wish sail this plane no more severed.
To embrace everybody's uniqueness,
'cause we each have a piece of the puzzle,
to delve into our spirits the deepest,
& then in time we shall burst our own bubbles.
The genius will return in the remembrance,
and the experience of who we really are.
Spiritual and neurological ascension,
It's within us, not some place so afar.
Right here, & right now, in this moment,
in the love between our loved ones akin.
The paradox is we are totally broken,
yet we have the resources within.
Everyone sits on the spectrum,
when we get that in our autistic heads,
the Genius Within shall make all the corrections,
& we shall rise straight up out of the dead.
Beyond autism is the knowing,
that you'll always be divinely connected,
& this Aspie is spitting out poems,
so each one of you is corrected.
Autism, to simply define it,
is the fear of unification,
& beyond the autistic mind set,
is the unity of all things in creation.

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