sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

A Beautiful Ending

We cling to the cities,
wanna extract all the juice,
but the ultimate beauty,
is found within truth.
The beat of our heart,
says we're merely spectators,
we're not really apart,
from God or from nature.

Existence is magic,
& our species a legend,
& this moment, we have it,
so forget where we're heading.

This remarkable tribe,
had best understand,
that to be truly divine,
is to live by Gods plan.

So much resistance,
we want things to be perfect,
but our very existence,
makes everything worth it.

Why make such a lot,
of fuss and commotion,
when we're just a drop,
in the infinite ocean?

Living in the city,
seems like a disease,
but the pavements still pretty,
if the crack's growing weeds.

Forget where we've come from,
its where we are heading.
From New York to London,
we're the new breed of lemmings.

OK, so it's morbid,
and we don't want to know,
but it's brave to acknowledge,
when its our turn to go.

Many say life,
is about preparing to die,
& if so, then the strife,
is all based on a lie.

Mortality built in
each flowering petal.
& as we are wilting,
every moment is special.

Everything is alright,
all our merits are full,
so why try to fight,
the inevitable?

It may appear,
like a mass deviation,
but its good to know,
we're such perfect creations.

Our story's an epic,
a great fairy tale,
but now we must exit,
before we turn stale.

All good things must pass,
in immaculate time,
and we are the last,
of the summer wine.

We're only here once,
so let us not pretend,
even just for a glance,
that this journey wont end.

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