miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

The School Of Fear


11 years of programming, glued inside your head,
to block your cosmic opening, result is you are dead.

Take away the clown, each and every hour,
the aim's to bring your down, and take away your power.

Life no more a circus, now money is the goal,
tell me what other purpose, aside to snatch your soul?

A form of masochism, in a horrendous sick disguise,
education is the villain & ecstasy is wise.

How about the school of pleasure? What of the school of fun?
What of all life's treasures and the feeling we are one?

Bombarded with this fear, that if you do not get a job,
you're getting one fat ear, & called a lazy slob.

Come out of your centre, and step right into ours,
gone is the adventure & living in the now.

I'd like to see enlightenment taught in every class,
that's one up on frightening every single little arse.

No, I'm being serious, when are we ever taught,
that existence is mysterious? We're not, we're programmed thoughts.

Intellectually religious, egotistic crap,
just follow the syllabus, exams are where it's at.

If you don't earn our paper, you ain't got a life,
we are your dictators, and we have you by the knife.

Pick your chosen subject, take your choice of box,
we don't care if you love it, or if you do not.

If they dampen your spirit, your essence no longer free,
and they've shown you your limits, then they've done their job you see.

Now if you're approaching 6th form, and you're still jumping in the air,
you're not in the norm, you're exceptionally rare.

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