martes, 10 de enero de 2012


 Life is one big paradox,
alternative, yet orthodox.

Be different, and live with meaning,
indifference is where you’re leaning.

Be unique, be what you’re not,
do the best with what you’ve got.

To be yourself, you have to change,
these laws may sound a little strange.

Learn to love, and not to hate,
do not judge, discriminate.

The more you know, the less is clear,
further, though you’re getting near.

Shallow thoughts, kiss them good-bye,
think deeply, and touch the sky.

The truth locates at the extremes,
you could debate, that’s how it seems.

Match a suit, make a selection,
search for absolute perfection.

Faith without doubt is a fiction,
let go and reach a conviction.

Think ahead, live in the now,
unattached, committed vow.

Sometimes fire has to burn,
to inspire us to learn.

If you study every word,
the sentences you read are blurred.

Seeds deliver when they’re sown,
but the river flows on it’s own.

Reality might have been dreamt,
or vice-versa, why exempt?

Mind and spirit contradict,
mankind are mad, that’s my verdict.

All mistakes are meant to be,
poison nectar, life’s irony.

It’s rather brave to live with fear,
so just behave, and play by ear.

There’s no cause to use your power,
to force petals on a flower.

The mind is very under-used,
switch it off and see the truths.

Quality and large amounts,
every grain of sand that counts.

Concave, could be convex.
so simple yet, so complex.

Suspect and cling on tight with claws,
trust and swing open the doors.

You will not win if you’re naive,
so cross your fingers and believe.

Be hard as rock, be strong and tough,
be as soft as pillow fluff.

Be sceptical, but do not doubt,
go within or go without.

A little take, a little give,
accept death, begin to live.

Have a goal, but don’t depend,
the journey matters in the end.

Life can be a little manic,
universal rules dynamic.

So balance and remember this,
life can be eternal bliss!

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