jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Me die tation

In my meditation,
more important than breath,
is the contemplation,
of death.

A near death experience,
makes me truly alive,
no mind interfearance,
 just enjoying this ride.
Each morning and evening,
 I bless,
that beautiful feeling,
of death.
Death kills the drama,
stops dragging it out,
keeps the mind calmer,
and frees us from doubt.
Die and let live,
 but minus the plague.
See the world more vividly,
rather than vague.

Live on the edge,
death makes life more full,
I'm on fire, I'm red, 
and yet everything's cool.
The ball's in my court,
it is my turn to catch.
I am the result,
of this on going match.
Take a death perspective,
seek for no verdicts.
Live and let live,
then your life just affirms it.
arise. open, unfold.
What a lunacy,
to fear getting old.
There's no need to guzzle,
so please take you time.
The act of struggle,
is a crime.
When I am vulnerable,
I am alive.
It is honourable,
if you get my vibe.
Grasp this insight,
and no more you will lack.
See the white light,
as you enter the black.
I fulfill my intentions
paradoxically though,
bodily tensions,
simply dissolve.
Death is not about waiting,
for judgement day.
Life is here for the taking,
 and love carves the way.
I release all of it, 
I embrace what I'm dealt.
I know I will make it,
when my ego melts.
I surrender control,
the Cosmos takes my hand.
My heart chakra explodes,
and I walk the divine plan.
When I die, I find,
there are many of me.
I am no island,
I am the energy.
Death meditation,
is where it's at.
The sensation,
is ultimate.
I could die tomorow,
or get hit by a bus,
so what all the sorrow, 
why all the fuss?
Death don't hope,
 for good weather,
'cause we needn't wear,
 this costume forever.
My destiny, 
& my final conclusion,
is the death of me,
is the only solution.
Don't get me wrong,
I don't want to die,
It's just that I long,
to reach out and fly.
Life has more worth,
when we cease to invest.
We're here on this Earth,
merely as guests.
Get death and stop thinking,
about counting the costs,
'cause we came with nothing,
so nothing is lost.

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