sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015


You live in accordance with the status quo,
you think you're the audience, but you're a comedy show. 

You say you're 'only' human, yet you think that you're Gods, 
are there any true men, 'cause I'm here on my tod. 

You make up the rules then you change them to suit,
 You're pulling the wool or you're jumping through hoops. 

You think that you're shepherds, but you're just counting sheep,
 just keep eating Feta & remain in your sleep. 

You initiate war, but the conflict is YOU,
 your reasoning's poor, it's a one sided view. 

You're walking computers & you worship machines,
 you fantasize future & kill anything green. 

You live through concepts, you live by ideas,
 you are the on-set of madness & fear. 

You enjoy causing harm, you get pleasure from pain,
 you falsify charm but you're a little too vain. 

You far from innocent, you're pretend you're naive,
 you're a sad sorry incident, and it's time you should leave. 

You live in the past, you've a warped concept of time,
 your stories are fast, your presence is a crime. 

You're reliant on modems, they're reliant on you,
 you're a poorly planned program missing a few screws. 

You lack experience, so you give it the lip,
 you're a small interference, a mutated blip. 

You're full of desires, each one of them false,
 you're worshipping fire, yet you're scared of the source. 

You've got dangerous brains, something clearly is loose,
 you darn-right insane, so what's your excuse? 

You're all masochists, and your species is farmed,
 you offer no assets, you're just out to cause harm. 

You enjoy getting 'slaughtered', so you can pretend, 
that you're not in fact tortured, but you're far from free men. 

You do things by halves, and you know something else? 
You can't even laugh at the state of yourself. 

Just explain to me what are you trying to do? 
Cut all the bollocks, at least once show you're true. 

Your hearts have gone cold, your love is on freeze, 
before you are old, you're already diseased. 

You're simply mutated, the whole human race, 
you're far too over-rated, you are well out of place. 

You fight for your life, but I often wonder, 
is it worth all the strife? You're best off 10 foot under. 

You're just mere mutants on the face of this planet,
 you're not worth the nuisance and it's time you should vanish.

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