lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015


Silent nights, silent days,
Holy shite, nothing to say...
Feel the oneness, feel connection, 
talking is a throat infection. 

Banish the speech that's said out of fear, 
body language then becomes much more clear. 

Back in Eden no-one spoke, 
ruled by feelings & the Cosmic Joke. 

Smile & nod, for yay or for no,
tune in to God's radio show. 

Speech is an illness, it's bad for health,
 whilst in stillness heart gains wealth. 

It's your choice to take a vow, 
internal voice becomes more loud. 

Listen to music of course, for sure, 
but voice box loose it, tighten your frightened jaw.

 Feelings flowing, gained insight, 
record a poem if that's what you like. 

Eyes in connection with kindred souls, 
we say it best when we say nothing at all. 

It's meditation to still rampant minds, 
Heavens station is what you will find. 

Recline to talk face to face, on the phone, 
take a time warp to pre-toddler zone.

 Take a deep breath, gain some tranquillity, 
get out of your left-brain, the silence is key. 

Give a massage give a hug, 
nothing matters apart from love. 

Conscience retrieval is the whole reason why, 
the Ego, it hurts & it's destined to die. 

If you wanna help the cause, 
then shut the f**k up or put it on pause. 

Just say nout, put words on cease,
 Wake up in Heavenly Peace.


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